So many people let themselves down everyday without even realizing it. We let certain situations control every move we make. We subconsciously push ourselves into what I think of as "The safe Zone." Just as Brad Pitt says in the movie Fight Club. "How much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight." <--- I like to use that statement as more or less a metaphor. Obviously I don't want you going out starting fights with people. no, the FIGHT is life. "I don't want to die without any scars." You have to risk to gain. Sometimes you have to HURT to gain. If success was easy it would be a giant slide going into a ball pit full of money. Unfortunately, success is a long winding road. a road full of ups and downs.
This FIGHT I speak of is what you NEED and MUST to to gain success. You must take risks you must sacrifice and you must must must stay humble along the way. STAY grounded. NEVER lose hope! You're a boxer! You're not going to quit just because you got socked in the face a few times! You're going to keep swinging until you win the fight or the lights go out.
I've already lost friends, I've been broke, I'm in the process of losing my job. I've failed miserably. I've been so freaked out before auditions I had to pull the car over to gain a clear conscious of what I'm trying to achieve in my life. I am FIGHTING! I am a FIGHTER.
In most cases I would NOT say it's easy. It's HARD. It's scary It's actually, absolutely terrifying. There's always that micro thought in the back of my mind, What if I don't make it? I'd rather be thinking "What if I don't make it as opposed to "What if I had tried." I say It's easy in a sense that It would be easy for me to jump in front of a bus to save someone I love. It's easy to struggle for something you're so absolutely passionate about.It's easy in a hard way - YA DIG?!
You're letting yourself down if you don't get out there and TRY. You need to put yourself out there. you may fall. you may fall so hard you wont want to get back up. That's the fight people. you fall and you get back up! as I've said before, if you don't get up you'll get stomped. BOOM! STOMPED. You're letting yourself down if you don't make an attempt. Success isn't going to come to you. You have to seek it out and grab it! You're letting yourself down if you continue to do things that make you unhappy. yes I know we all need money to survive. But you're working a job you hate and you're going to settle and "TRY" to like it, You're letting yourself down my friend. Put one foot in front of the other and get your butt moving. we're on this earth for such a small amount of time. When I go, I want to look God in the eyes and say - Thank you for giving me the tools I needed to achieve everything I set my sites on.
Love the fight!
Love the struggle!
Love the success!
Love God and love yourself!
Steven Sutherland
This FIGHT I speak of is what you NEED and MUST to to gain success. You must take risks you must sacrifice and you must must must stay humble along the way. STAY grounded. NEVER lose hope! You're a boxer! You're not going to quit just because you got socked in the face a few times! You're going to keep swinging until you win the fight or the lights go out.
I've already lost friends, I've been broke, I'm in the process of losing my job. I've failed miserably. I've been so freaked out before auditions I had to pull the car over to gain a clear conscious of what I'm trying to achieve in my life. I am FIGHTING! I am a FIGHTER.
In most cases I would NOT say it's easy. It's HARD. It's scary It's actually, absolutely terrifying. There's always that micro thought in the back of my mind, What if I don't make it? I'd rather be thinking "What if I don't make it as opposed to "What if I had tried." I say It's easy in a sense that It would be easy for me to jump in front of a bus to save someone I love. It's easy to struggle for something you're so absolutely passionate about.It's easy in a hard way - YA DIG?!
You're letting yourself down if you don't get out there and TRY. You need to put yourself out there. you may fall. you may fall so hard you wont want to get back up. That's the fight people. you fall and you get back up! as I've said before, if you don't get up you'll get stomped. BOOM! STOMPED. You're letting yourself down if you don't make an attempt. Success isn't going to come to you. You have to seek it out and grab it! You're letting yourself down if you continue to do things that make you unhappy. yes I know we all need money to survive. But you're working a job you hate and you're going to settle and "TRY" to like it, You're letting yourself down my friend. Put one foot in front of the other and get your butt moving. we're on this earth for such a small amount of time. When I go, I want to look God in the eyes and say - Thank you for giving me the tools I needed to achieve everything I set my sites on.
Love the fight!
Love the struggle!
Love the success!
Love God and love yourself!
Steven Sutherland