Let me start off by telling you the most important thing you will ever need to know in your life. If you want something. DO NOT GIVE UP!! You... YES YOU! are a FIGHTER! Don't let people bring you down. People try to bring me down every day. I USE IT! I use it to my advantage. I don't allow people to crush my hopes and dreams. They are just people that can't do something..
Yes there are times when I feel like I'm not good enough. There are times when I feel like maybe this isn't for me. The FIGHT is hard! ITS HARD ITS HARD ITS HARD!!! When you're going after anything worth succeeding in, It's going to be a struggle. It's going to be a fight. It's going to be HARD and tiring and crazy and draining emotionally and physically. I cannot tell you how many times I've sat in my car crying my eyes out. Worrying about my future. Worrying where my next role will come from. worrying about my success.. How am I going to do this? WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY LIFE IF I DON'T SUCCEED? I will tell you what!!!!
DEATH! I will get death. Because I'm not going to GIVE UP! I wont give up. In the words of a great role model "I don't have a plan B. it's just a distraction from plan A" - Will Smith.
When you want something bad enough you can and you will get it. You know why? because you're willing to sacrifice.. you're willing to FIGHT! (LIKE MY LAST BLOG SAYS FIGHT!!!!!!!!!) Surround yourself with others with the same ambition. Find motivation and inspiration in others because of their success. Don't be jealous and Envious.. I made that mistake already.
On the road to success It's bumpy!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so thankful for all the CRAP I've had to go through in my life and all of the BULL CRAP I will have to overcome! Because I will learn from it. I will use it. I will turn it to a positive as best as I can! I am so ready for this journey and I will not give up!! I will not stop I will not lay down and tell myself I can't do it! As my mother always told me, "Can't never did nothing" you CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN!!! I CAN CAN CAN!!!!
- tears sweat pain hurt exhaustion ------ All of these words equal OVERCOME! Love life Love GOD and be true!
- Steven Sutherland!
Yes there are times when I feel like I'm not good enough. There are times when I feel like maybe this isn't for me. The FIGHT is hard! ITS HARD ITS HARD ITS HARD!!! When you're going after anything worth succeeding in, It's going to be a struggle. It's going to be a fight. It's going to be HARD and tiring and crazy and draining emotionally and physically. I cannot tell you how many times I've sat in my car crying my eyes out. Worrying about my future. Worrying where my next role will come from. worrying about my success.. How am I going to do this? WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY LIFE IF I DON'T SUCCEED? I will tell you what!!!!
DEATH! I will get death. Because I'm not going to GIVE UP! I wont give up. In the words of a great role model "I don't have a plan B. it's just a distraction from plan A" - Will Smith.
When you want something bad enough you can and you will get it. You know why? because you're willing to sacrifice.. you're willing to FIGHT! (LIKE MY LAST BLOG SAYS FIGHT!!!!!!!!!) Surround yourself with others with the same ambition. Find motivation and inspiration in others because of their success. Don't be jealous and Envious.. I made that mistake already.
On the road to success It's bumpy!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so thankful for all the CRAP I've had to go through in my life and all of the BULL CRAP I will have to overcome! Because I will learn from it. I will use it. I will turn it to a positive as best as I can! I am so ready for this journey and I will not give up!! I will not stop I will not lay down and tell myself I can't do it! As my mother always told me, "Can't never did nothing" you CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN!!! I CAN CAN CAN!!!!
- tears sweat pain hurt exhaustion ------ All of these words equal OVERCOME! Love life Love GOD and be true!
- Steven Sutherland!